RGCSL Daily Insights Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM Around the year with Ernest Holmes Compiled by Serving New Thought We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this. Return each day to RGCSL Daily Insights You will find a new and wonderful insight! The insight for today: "Every man is his own savior, because every man has a direct approach to Reality""Let us learn to believe and to perceive and daily to announce; and whenever negation comes up into our consciousness, let us declare the affirmative, and know that there is One bearing witness with us, even the Spirit of God, that wherever there is light there is no darkness. Every man has the power of faith and understanding to remold and remake his life, to recreate his destiny; not by willing, but by being willing to know. Not by coercion; the race is not to the fast but to the sure-footed. The race is not to anyone who contends with any powers, visible or invisible, but to the one who knows. 'God is not afar off; the word is nigh unto thee, even in thine own mouth, that thou shouldst know it and do it.' Let us feel the direct, indwelling presence of a Power and Spirit, sufficient to meet every human need; and accept that It not only desires to, but that it is Its business to; that Its whole purpose and time shall be devoted to supplying that need, if we live in unity with It. Living in unity with It is very simple—the act of acceptance, belief, acquiescence, and embodiment." Insight: "Then will our Oneness with Spirit be so complete, there can be no question as to what we may pray for. Our every prayer will be a song of praise: 'Yea and Amen.'" "It Operates Simply By Speaking"– Ernest HolmesIf you shop at Amazon we would appreciate it if you would use our links below as it will help our Center. Thank You!