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Heres~Your Chance~I Will Train You Personally To Earn $5,952.26 Monthly Online!
11/20/2011 5:36:54 PM
I Have Been Working Online for over 8+ years, and know what works and what dosn't. Most of you advertising in these forums and on traffic exchanges and such, have no idea of what you are doing, and its not your fault. 990 out of every 1000 people who try internet marketing fail to make any money at all, only ten succeed. I am willing to take my time and knowledge and show you how to become one of the ten who succeed. But this offer will not be around long, because I only have time to work with ten people at a time, otherwise it gets to be to much.

And I am not just looking for anyone, I am looking for ten people with a burning desire to succeed, are willing to follow directions, and put forth a real effort. To make a full time income online takes time, real time, I do not want anyone who thinks they can get rich overnight or make a thousand dollars next week, the internet does not work that way, you would just be wasting my time and YOURS. So if you believe the get rich over night programs, this is not for you. I am going to personally help you, on yahoo messenger and by email.

This is how I will know you are serious.

Step 1. Here is how we get started, add me to yahoo messenger my i.d. is weberg69 this is so we converse instantly back and forth. If you are unwilling to do this I can not help you.

Here is the link To Install Yahoo Messenger automatically if you don't have it already; click the "Download" button on that page

Once installed simply go to the "Contact" area in Yahoo Messenger and click "Add contact". Put weberg69 to add me.

If you already have Yahoo Messenger, you can add me in your contact list the same way as above with my Yahoo user name which is weberg69

Step 2: Now Go to my website below and scroll down and subscribe to my training steps, so I can send you all the steps, there are eight of them, you just go through each step until you are finished with each one and follow the instructions.

Step 3: Then go to this website link below and join for the trial $1.00, this is where we are going to set up your own website, you will get complete instructions and my help on messenger, we are going to set up a complete business for you, not just an affiliate link, a complete business one that will make you money, and with what I teach you, you will have the ability to build any business online you wish. See there are fundamental aspects of building a business online that you need in order to make any real serious money. That being, webhosting, an autoresponder, splash pages, and a marketing funnel, you have to learn how to create and brand you. Just throwing traffic at some affiliate program, ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE, ONCE UPON A TIME IT DID, but that was only in fairy tales.

See if you are unwilling to invest anything in your business, I cant help you...because free dosnt work, if never has. If Your Not Building Your List and have you own website, you should just quit right now.
I am not here to sell you some hyped up program, lie to you and then leave you wondering what and the hell do I do next, I am here to help you and guide through the entire process it really takes to drive you towards your goals and dreams. If you want my help follow the instructions above and I will help you, but you must follow my instructions entirely.

To A New Future, YOURS!
Your Friend And Partner
Richard Weberg
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