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Person Of The Week
5 December Is Coming Up Soon!
11/18/2011 3:38:01 PM

On the 5th of of December, I am going to send a short message to people who respond
to this message and include a link that you can click on to sign up with what is going to
be the best way ever for average, non-sales oriented people to make money. Lots of it!

There will be NO COST to sign up!

So, for the first time EVER on the internet, you will not have to spend ANY money to
make money! And we are going to guarantee that every new member who visits this
website and signs up, will make money!
In fact, to show you how powerful this really
is, we are going to pay you $5.00 out of our own pocket within two minutes after you
first sign up!

Real Big Paychecks!

We are not talking about peanuts here either. We are talking about ten, twenty, even
$30,000 per month, and more!

Now, I know that sounds almost too good to be true. There must be a catch hidden
in there somewhere. Right? And there is. You can make some money here without
ever spending even $1,00. However, the only catch is the fact that you will need to
commit to spending $10 per month, and sponsoring at least TWO people to earn the
really Big Paychecks. .

So, if you would like to earn some really big paychecks, and you can afford to spend
$10 per month, AND you are willing to try your very vest to sponsor at least two
people, please let me hear from you ASAP.

Simply go to my profile here at AdlandPro, and send me a message to let me know
you want me to send you that message with the website link as soon as we are ready
to launch. You can visit my profile here:

To Your Success,

Don Evans

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