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Don Evans

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Yes, You Can Build A HUGE Downline & Get Paid To Do It!
11/14/2011 12:19:53 PM

You can build yourself a downline and get paid for it. Every subscriber
gets paid $5.00 right away.
Expected launch 5 December 2011.

This one is going to be a HUGE success!

5Forfree is basically a list building tool. However, the difference between
this and other list builders is that they pay you for building YOUR own list!
A list that you can then use to promote this or any other business.

The company pays you $5.00 just to sign up, and they pay out commissions
on that $5.00 through 3 pay levels.

You earn 25 cents for your direct referrals.
You earn 10 cents for your 2nd level referrals.
You earn 15 cents for your 3rd level referrals.

That's good. But not great. Right, You can also build a HUGE RESIDUAL INCOME!

Here's how.

This program uses a ‘2 Pass Up’ system and that there is also a paid option ($10 a month) called the MONEY PLUGIN.

Your first 2 referrals are passed up to the first upline that has bought the Money Plugin. My first two referrals will also be passed up, that's how it works. These two referrals will count as the direct referrals going to my upline.

The MONEY PLUGIN ($10 a month)

If you choose to get the Money Plugin you will earn more income from two income streams.
After your first two referrals are passed up, all referrals after that are yours. THEIR first two referrals get passed to YOU, but ONLY if you get that MONEY PLUGIN.

They now count as YOUR direct referrals and you get their first two referrals as well. That means another 4 referrals for you that also end up directly under you, earning you another $1. You then get their first two referrals as well, so another 8 referrals for you and another $2. And so on!

You also get the two passed up from all your other referrals, and theirs. So, with this program, you only passed 2 up, and you are getting a HUGE number of members in your downline because of all the people that are being passed up to you. And that will continue for as long as there are new members flocking in.

See where this is going?

This will create an endless stream of one-time-only payments coming to you, because you bought that MONEY PLUGIN.

AND it gets even better!

You also get monthly residual payments from those in your downline that also got the MONEY PLUGIN.

25% = $2.50 for those people on your first level.
10% = $1.00 for those people on your 2nd level.
15% = $1,50 for those people on your 3rd level.

Think about that for a minute.

How hard can it be to get people signed up if they get $5.00 just to sign up?
If the .MONEY PLUGIN ople triples your money or more, how many will get
that? Eventually, everybody will get it, because with it you earn a whole lot
more money in RESIDUAL INCOME.

My sponsor is right close to the top on this. He expects to get his referral Link
2 or 3 days before live links are available to me, and I will post it here in this
forum as soon as I get it.

For more details about how much and how fast you can make money with 5ForFree, you can watch the last company sponsored Webinar here. This POWERFUL new, never been done before way to help YOU make BIG money will absolutely knock your socks off!

Also, there is a live webinar Tuesday night at 9PM EST and also on Thursday. You can
register here:

To YOUR Success.

Don Evans


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