RGCSL Daily InsightsRio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM Around the year with Ernest Holmes Compiled by Serving New Thought We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this. Return each day to RGCSL Daily Insights You will find a new and wonderful insight! The insight for today: "We maintain if you are intelligent enough to recognize the absence of friends, you are intelligent enough to perceive the qualities which enter into friendship: loyalty, honesty, integrity, understanding and such." "The first step for you to take is to become friendly in your own thought. When you recognize that you are joined to every other person by your common heritage of good, you can easily prepare for friendship by creating an atmosphere of love and harmony in your heart. Not anywhere else but in your own thought.You might begin by saying to yourself: 'Everything is One. The Mind which I use, which I call my mind, is the same Mind that every other human being uses, so there can be no ill will or opposition in any man's mind toward me. I have no enemies. I am one with all Good. But every man is one with all Good; therefore, I am one with every man. Wherever I go, whenever I go, I am meeting friendship, love, kindness, and consideration. I am loving every man and am desiring every man's good as I desire my own. I give to every man kindness and unselfish service. Therefore, these have to come back to me in friendship, 'Heaped up, pressed down and running over,' for Universal Mind can deny me nothing.Who does this, will find friends wherever he goes."
Insight: "Every man has within himself the power and the capacity to know God, to understand Reality, to be divine because He is divine, and to be absolute and complete master of his own fate, when he understands the Truth." “It operates simply by speaking.”– Ernest Holmes Join us in a celebration of expanding consciousness