My Dear Friends,
Get Eleven Essential Online Tools For
The Price You'd Normally
Pay For Just One!
Ongoing complimentary training & support on
how to use these tools, and...
Your opportunity to get a time limited bonus worth
$27.97/month that is going to shake up
the job posting industry.
Find out how to get this complete system for less than
half what you pay for cable television or your cell phone,
and get the exciting time limited bonus Free!
1) Affiliate URL
Autoresponder & List Manager Solution
Autoresponder and List Manager that will allow you to stay in touch with your customers and prospects. Whether you are running a traditional business or online business using an Autoresponder and using it correctly will save you money and time. With ISOResponder, you will get an unlimited message full feature and ad free Autoresponder that will help you today, tomorrow and next year...
2) Affiliate URL
URL Tracking Solution
Online Link, Ad and Website Tracking is for anyone who advertises online or offline. You need to track your ads, flyers, brochures, Pay Per Click sites, free ads, banners, etc. because if you do not know what is working, you cannot know where to best spend your advertising dollars...
3) New
Conference & Training Center Solution
There is unlimited potential and possibilities with your online conference and training center. Train your team, employees, sales staff, downlines, partners, vendors, etc. It does not matter if your conference attendees are across the hall or across the world. When you use the Conference and Training center, it will be like everyone is in the same room on the same computer. This is the only way to market today...
4) Affiliate URL
E-books & Software Solution
Access to hundreds of e-books and software downloads and they all come with 100% give away rights and most come with resell rights. is your E-book and Software Resource Site to help you enhance your offer, educate yourself and gain an additional revenue generating opportunity...
5) Affiliate URL
Knowledge Database & Discount Center Solution
Find an article to publish for your newsletter or a report to give away. Establish business relationships and strike up joint venture deals in the forum. Get the informative ISO 33-day ecourse. Plus, you save by getting access to discounts of 20%-80% off of advertising, products and services from our dozens of ISOTrainers business partners...
6) Affiliate URL
URL Rotator System Solution
Promote multiple products or services on the Internet using just one URL. You can create one master URL and attach all other sales URL's to this one link. Each time someone clicks on your master URL, a different product or service is promoted. This allows you to make your marketing and advertising dollars go further and do more...
Web Page & Design Solution
Easily create your own web page to promote and sell anything you want. If you have your own web site, great and if you do not then, you will not need to get one just yet, because ISOPromo is included in the ISORegister System. You can make your own website as easily as typing a letter. No HTML programming is necessary, and hosting, maintenance and setup are included in your ISORegister system. Plus, you can have your website on the Internet within 20 minutes...
8) Affiliate URL
Program Promotion Solution
Searchable Database for all your Affiliate and MLM programs. Look2Gain is the only search engine specifically designed for these types of programs and while only members can post listings on the site, everyone on the entire Internet can find you. You can post as many listings as you want and have unlimited number of hits to your Look2Gain page...
Forum Solution
Networking and Forum Solution
Get questions answered and meet other members. ISOForum is only available for ISORegister clients, and it is a great way to network online and is used by hundreds of our current members.ISOForum is a user-friendly forum center where you can learn from other satisfied ISORegister System users.Make friends and network with other successful business people.
10) Home Page Affiliate URL
Customer Service Solution
One of the strengths of working with ISORegister, Inc. is your ability to get your question(s) answered quickly and easily. You can call us toll-free, email us or use our online support forms. We answer all emails and most are answered in minutes-not hours or days. For more urgent issues, you can pick up the phone and talk to a real person....
11) Special Limited Time Exclusive Bonus Offer!
Full Access and Reseller Options to
Offer Ends January 5, 2005
A) is going to resell for $27.97/month when it goes live on January 5, 2005. Compare this to any of the other job posting sites that charge over $300 per month per listing and you will see the opportunity for you is outstanding. You will have exclusive rights to resell this outstanding service to any company small or large and you will make 40% commissions per sale for each month the company lists their jobs.
B) Job Seeker & Recruiter Search Engine is the Internets best new job posting site and is the only major job post that is 100% banner and ad free. Not only will you a membership in JobDiscover, but you will be able to resell this site as well. This is a $27.97/month value and it is yours free if you join ISORegister by January 5, 2005!
Websites: Sales Page Affiliate URL Home Page Affiliate URL Affiliate URL Affiliate URL Affiliate URL Affiliate URL Affiliate URL Affiliate URL
Lead Generation Page URL
Thanks, Eva Marie Farrell