RGCSL Daily Insights
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM
Around the year with Ernest Holmes
Compiled by Serving New Thought
We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.
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The insight for today:
"Question—I very much desire to 'call out of the Universe that which is mine.'Will you please tell me how to go about it?
ANSWER—First of all, realize that you are Incarnate Spirit, vested with Divine authority; that you may literally call your own and your own must respond, or obey the call. It cannot do anything else. Being a center in the Universe, you think or speak your word, and that thought and word is present simultaneously at every point in the Infinite Mind of the Universe. Your 'call' becomes the living nucleus about which the answer gathers and forms. It is the nature of the law to evolve the right conditions out of the desire for its fulfillment. Realizing this, your responsibility ends with your call. God, Infinite Spirit, 'speaks, and it is done.' Man, Incarnate Spirit, therefore, speaks and it is done. In treating for your fulfillment, know that there is but the One Mind, the action of which transmutes your call into the right answer, your desire into the logical fulfillment. Your conscious recognition of the truth will serve to keep your purpose clear of confusion, and your mental force definitely directed."
"When you have convinced yourself that you speak and it is done, because the law MUST obey your word, you will never doubt."
“It operates simply by speaking.”
– Ernest Holmes
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