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Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (24th Edition)
1/1/2006 4:59:14 PM
*************************************************************** *************************************************************** Hello Everyone At AdlandPro! It’s time again for my favorite project of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is my favorite project because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people. Thank you so much for your support and for making this event so special. Love and Blessings to you all! John R. Sanchez The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for selecting a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below: Criterion How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week? To be chosen as Person of the week you: • Are highly visible on the community • Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful. • Must be nominated for the program by another member of the Community and voted on by other members. ****************************************************************** This week’s winner is a lady with a huge heart her name is Deborah Skovron. Deborah has not been at AdlandPro for very long but already she is making her mark at AdlandPro with her positive influence on the community. Deborah is a very caring and generous person who donates of her time and resources to help others. She is definitely POTW material. Congratulations Deborah and thank you for all you do here at AdlandPro! ******* I want to include here a quote from her friend Linda Carroll who nominated her for the POTW award: “As I got to know Deb, I realized that - through her kids-wear business - she has been providing clothing to needy kids and sent several packages (paid for out of her own pocket) to the needy in the aftermath of Katrina, too. She wanted to grow her business so that she could help even more. Some of the activities that keep Deb busy here at Adland include; - Seeking toys for children of a needy family - Helping members with advice and encouragement - Actively participating in forums - Donating to the needy - Learning & contributing in Advisor forums - Distributing a free ebook about kids in need and how to help them All this from a member that has been here a mere 14 weeks. I think Deb is a shining example for new members to see, and would contribute to the atmosphere at Adland by appearing in a position of honor for a week.” ****************************************************************** Here is Deborah's Bio: I would like to start by saying Thank You to everybody, I am so honored and thrilled by this. It is wonderful to have friends like all of you. My name is Deborah Skovron and I was born and raised in Erie, Pennsylvania. That is right on lake Erie and if I do say so myself a beautiful place to grow up and raise a family. I am married to Gary, we have been married for 35 years and have 5 beautiful grown children. Tiffany is 32 years old and got married in October 2004. Gary Michael II is 30 and has given me two grandchildren and two step-grandchildren. How thrilled am I by this!!! Love It!! Stacy is 27 and just got a job as front desk supervisor at the Alladin in Las Vegas. It is her first time away from home and we miss her terribly especially around the holidays. Amy is 26 (Stacy and Amy are only 11 months apart, My father told my husband and I at the time that we should really get a hobby) Amy just graduated from college and has found herself a job in her field here in town. Michael is 21 and still finding himself. I hope it happens soon. I have been a stay at home Mom most of my life, but for as long as I can remember I have been active as a volunteer in many local organizations. My dear sweet husband and I like to travel and just be together, he is my best friend and my rock. My Mother always said that you have to give back to your community what you take from it. She is 80 years old now and still living by those words. Working side beside me for many oganizations here in town. Sometimes I think it is just to keep an eye on me to make sure I am doing a good job LOL. When I first joined Adland I had no idea what I was doing (not that I am a lot better now, but I am trying). This community accepted me with open arms and for that I am truly thankful. I have to say a special Thank You to a very wonderful Lady, Linda Carrol. If it had not been for her kindness and direction I would have given up long ago. She has been my mentor and my friend. Without her I would not have been able to keep my head above the water. Thank You so much, Linda. I came to Adland to find ways to promote my business. I sell childrens clothing at wholesale pricing, it is called Debs-Kids. I wanted to do something that I new a little bit about, and with five children I knew about childrens clothing. The trouble was I knew nothng about the internet. But being here at Adland has helped me tremendously. Everyone has been so kind and I have made such wonderful friends here. Being Person of the Week was not something that I thought would ever happen to me. I am such a "newbie", but I must tell you that I feel like a little kid about this, all warm and fuzzy with a few giggles thrown in too. I want everybody to know that I love this community and look forward everyday to participating in it. I didn't know there were places like this on the internet, but I am sure glad I found all of you. Oh, just one more thing. This is about me. Now I will really show my age while I remember my younger days. I used to model for the Ford Modeling Agency when I was younger (You know, I think it was called the stone age). LOL Just had to add that to give you all a laugh. Thank You all for your friendship and support. I am truly thrilled by this honor and hope I can live up to Person of the Week. Be patient with me and let me know how you are all doing, because I really do care. Thank You for putting up with me, John. Kisses, Hugs, and Giggles Your Very Good Friend Deborah ****************************************************************** As you can see Folks Deborah is a very awesome human being. Let’s show Deborah how much we appreciate her kindness and her efforts to make our community a better place. Thank you so much Deb and Congratulations again! :-) Love and blessings to you all! :-) John Sanchez ****************************************************************** ******************************************************************
Dan K

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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (24th Edition)
1/1/2006 5:07:42 PM
I am Happy for you Deborah. I hope you enjoy the week . Dan L'Heureux
Linda Harvey

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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (24th Edition)
1/1/2006 5:13:59 PM
My kid is grown, and I don't have grandkids yet. But I will send the url to my neices and nephews for their kids. Congratulations, Linda sweetprofits
Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (24th Edition)
1/1/2006 5:21:07 PM
Congratulations Deborah. Enjoy your week in the spotlight. Want to improve your HEALTH? Want to do it NATURALLY? REMARKABLE HEALING CAPABILITIES. Take a look at this. God Bless
Leon Horton

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Re: Welcome To The Feature Of The Week aka Person Of The Week! (24th Edition)
1/1/2006 5:22:09 PM
Hi John, Deborah is a fine example of what AdlandPro is about. She came here seeking and she found. I know Deborah will be the right representative as POTW and she will show her pride and humility. CONGRATULATIONS Deborah! Enjoy your week in the limelight. Your caring nature has brought you to this deserving honor. Peace, Leon

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