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Linda Miller

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Visualize your 2006 today
1/1/2006 3:52:04 PM
Hi everyone, (I am moving this over from a separate forum to make it part of this forum.) I invite you to visualize your life in 2006. Can you visualize the life you desire? You must know what you want and where you're going before you can create it in your life. What is your purpose? I invite you to create a Virtual Visualization of your life AS IF you have already achieved the success you desire. That means you will take a few minutes each day and day dream or write - visualize your life AS IF it is already the best you can imagine. As you begin your visualization, imagine yourself waking in the morning... and decide what would be your perfect day. Repeat this Affirmation... "I now have everything I desire." "I now have everything I desire." "I now have everything I desire." Be sure to SMILE as you begin to describe your circumstances AS IF they are as you desire them to be... How do you FEEL? Where are you? What do you see around you? Who is there with you? What are you doing? Who is calling you? Who are you calling? How much money do you have in the bank? Where do you live? How do you FEEL? You get the idea. Yes, this is pretending. It's "fake it 'til you make it." I promise... if you begin to visualize the success you desire AS IF you have already achieved it every day, you will see changes in your life that seem to occur as if by magic. Below I have posted my most recent Virtual Visualization, which got a LOT of attention! Enjoy creating your Virtual Visualization! My Virtual Visualization... I got some amazing news today! I could hardly wait to share the good news I got today. For two years now, I have been wanting to move to the North Carolina mountains! I am from NC and I have been living in MI for the last 7 years with my wonderful husband whom I met on the internet. There have been several events that have kept me here - and I know that all really IS in perfect and Divine order. Well, today I got the best life-changing news! Have you heard of the HGTV Dream House? It is a fabulous house that just happened to be built in the North Carolina mountains in a little town called Lake Lure (where Dirty Dancing was filmed) - which is exactly where we had already planned to move! We were there a few weeks ago when we visited the area and our real estate agent showed us more property and homes in the area. We couldn't even get in to see the HGTV Dream House because it is in a secured area and you have to have an appointment to see it! For the last few months I have been entering the drawing to win this amazing house that sits on top of a ridge called Grey Rock. TODAY... drum roll... I received a knock on my door - and standing there on my front porch were two very official looking women - with roses, balloons and a camera crew - who came to personally tell me that I WON the HGTV Dream House! I won! You can see my new home at the HGTV website - If you are anywhere near Lake Lure, NC... I would love to invite you to come & visit me on top of the mountain, where you can see for miles. Oh, I had to call my real estate agent in Lake Lure and tell him that I won't be needing his services anymore - but I also told him I'm going to pay him a commission based on the value of the HGTV Dream House - which is a LOT! Joy Joy Joy!
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Re: Visualize your 2006 today
1/1/2006 4:23:33 PM
;-) Hi Linda What at wonderfull and great forum at the beginning of the new year !! A nice dreamhome
Re: Visualize your 2006 today
1/1/2006 5:58:37 PM
Wow! Congratulations. This is awesome news. Kathleen Gage
Kathleen Gage is one of the top rated business owners for 2004 in Utah. Get her FREE eBook on how to Gain More Leads, Better Prospects, Close More Sales
Re: Visualize your 2006 today
1/1/2006 6:41:29 PM
Thanks Linda. Happy New Year.
Re: Visualize your 2006 today
1/1/2006 7:20:59 PM
Congratulations, Linda on your new home and on your method's success! Thanks for sharing it with us, and igniting a wish to share similar events. Only last month I have also been blessed with a wonderful gift from the Universe, a new living arrangement, which totally exceeded anything I could possibly imagine or visualize. My blessing was brought to me on the wings of gratitude, gratitude for all I had then, and a deep feeling of gratitude for the wonders I was going to receive, no limits or exact orders. Magical living in my experience relies a lot on coming from joy created by incessant attitude of gratitude. It took some practice, but it is now a permanent and exciting way of everyday fulfillment and bountiful delight. I am allowing the Powers That Be, the Creative Force to bring to me ever more splendid gifts of love, health, pleasure and abundance. Linda, you sure help all of us to expand out horizons, to open up to the inexhaustible treasures that we all deserve. Izabel

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