Congratulations, Linda on your new home and on your method's success! Thanks for sharing it with us, and igniting a wish to share similar events.
Only last month I have also been blessed with a wonderful gift from the Universe,
a new living arrangement, which totally exceeded anything I could possibly imagine or visualize. My blessing was brought to me on the wings of gratitude, gratitude for all I had then, and a deep feeling of gratitude for the wonders I was going to receive, no limits or exact orders.
Magical living in my experience relies a lot on coming from joy created by incessant attitude of gratitude. It took some practice, but it is now a permanent and exciting way of everyday fulfillment and bountiful delight. I am allowing the Powers That Be, the Creative Force to bring to me ever more splendid gifts of love, health, pleasure and abundance.
Linda, you sure help all of us to expand out horizons, to open up to the inexhaustible treasures that we all deserve.