Do you have money problem?
Do you feel tired?
Have you forgotten what happiness feels like?
Dear Friend
What if I were to tell you that you are soon going to receive some
big sums of money? if I
were to tell you that you are also going to
be in great shape again? If I were to tell you that
Happiness if finally going to come knocking at your door? If I were to finally tell you
that you are in the Graces of a divine protection?
You would have a hard time believing me, right? And yet, all that is true!!!
Because I have a good heart and the only thing I want is to
Have you suffered so much that you are no longer able to trust others or be positive? That is
okay, because I will be positive for you. And if I am, it is because I have some good reasons to be
However, you are going to have to take a step in order to take my hand. Keep in mind that this
is the day when you have to be daring and grab hold of your happiness. If you wait, if you doubt, if
you hesitate, tomorrow it may be too late!
In fact, dear Friend, I have
two good announcements, to be exact, for you today that are going to light
up your day. Let's start with the first:
The First good announcement: EARN BIG MONEY AS A LOTTO MAGIC POWER CAPTAIN:As a Power Captain, you pay $100.00 per month and you will receive 50% or your ticket winnings
in both the Florida LOTTO and the Powerball lottery plus 10% of the ticket winning of 5 levels of
club Captain below you! Plus you will earn up to
$4.00 per month from each club Captain on those
5 level -- PLUS up to a $46.00 per month bonus if you personally referred them. in addition, you
earn up to
$10.00 per month from your club Player referrals (and 10% of all their ticket winnings)
and you earn
up to $2.00 per month from all club Players that your personally sponsored club
Captains refer ( and 10% of their ticket winnings)!!
The Second good announcement:JOIN TODAY AS A POWER PLAYER: You pay only $50.00 per month and you will receive 10% of your ticket winnings and 10% of the
ticket winning of the 7 other players that we will place on your teams for you!
You are guaranteed
to receive 10% of the winning of 64 to 72 tickets each month in the Florida Lotto and Powerball Lotto!
So, dear Friend, there is no more to lose. You have suffered enough as it is! With my help, a new life
awaits you. Quickly fill in the enclosed Consent form that gives me the authorization to make your Happy
and to make you win a lot, a huge amount of money.