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RGCSL Daily Insights –Man Is Prone To Misuse His Will…
9/27/2011 12:43:32 PM

RGCSL Daily Insights

Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM

Around the year with Ernest Holmes
Compiled by Serving New Thought

We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.

Return each day to RGCSL Daily Insights
You will find a new and wonderful insight!

The insight for today:


"Question—What is wrong when one's disposition becomes antagonistic because of being unable to make a demonstration?

ANSWER—Antagonism indicates the presence of stress. The demonstration comes through peacefully when man relaxes in the situation and permits God to do the work. Man is prone to misuse his will. Will power is only the directing agency of Spirit, and not the creative agency. By faithfully knowing that God within him is doing the work, and by determining that no thought of his shall negate that spiritual fact, man frees himself from the burden and the stress that is father to his resentment against failure. This freeing from the burden, this conscious 'letting' of the Spirit of his Good operate through him, is the demonstration in action. He cannot fail. Every thought-seed sown in mind has its own law of harvest. Know that if your demonstration is really necessary to your well being, if it is truly a spiritual part of you, it projects itself into your experience for your use in time to serve you. In working it is well to say: 'Father, I know this demonstration is given me, or its full equivalent, for the purpose of helping and serving my need.' "

"Believe what you say and do not forget that God's law imposes no burden on you."

"It operates simply by speaking."

– Ernest Holmes

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