AMERICA'S UNBALANCED DIET "The shocking truth about what's on your dinner table"
The $45 Millions Dollar Body of Men's
"Diet-related diseases account for 68% of all deaths."
Americans have the shortest life span and spend more on health care than any other developed nation.
70% of Americans are overweight...could DIET SOFT DRINKS be the cause?
Many vitamins in pill form show up in septic filters undigested.
Eating red meat is linked to 50,000 deaths annually
"Good nutrition can help lower people's risk for many chronic diseases, including heart
disease, stroke, some cancers, diabetes, and osteoporosis." -centers for disease Control and Prevention
Why Pills Are Not The Best Choice
Many are made from rocks, shells and hard coatings that diminish absorptions
After conducting tests on 17 brand name vitamins for dissolvability, at the end of
2 hours, mone of the vitamins were fully dessolved and some weren't even
dissolved after 12 hours -Integrated Biomolecule Corp.
Vitamin/mineral pills are 10% absorbed -PDR (physicians Desk Reference)
Why Liquid Nutrition Is Not The Best Choice
Most contain 75% WATER (and you are paying for these watered down ingredients)
Pasteurization (heat process) destroys the naturally occurring GOOD nutrients
Must be refrigerated and difficult to travel with
Contains chemical preservatives like sodium benzoate a chemical also used to make
fireworks and silver polish
Why Chews-4-Health IS The Best Choice
Delicious, convenient chewable nutrition
Doesn't have to be pasteurized
Doesn't have to be refrigerated
Digestion begins in the mouth before swallowing
Offers immediate absorption
No chemical preservatives or dyes
Convenient, fits in pocket/purse
Contains over 70 naturally occurring vitamins, minerals,
amino acids and enzymes.
Teeth break down the contents. Then saliva, which contains three digestive enzymes,
allows nutrients to be better assimilated into the body. Source: Guyton's Physiology
The world's first chewable super fruit, sea vegetable, and antioxidant.
What makes the Chews-4-Health International business opportunity so unique?
Chews-4-Health International has teamed up with consumers and entrepreneurs across
the globe creating healthier lifestyles and successful businesses!
Don't miss out on this opportunity to GROW your business!
Contact the person or company below for more information about Chews4Health.
CHOOSE to be healthy, CHEWS for your health... Opt in and JOIN for only $60
DUPLICATE ( You'll get everything you'll need as well ) Listen & Be Blown Away by this Compensation plan.
Discover How AVERAGE People Are Turning $60 Into WEEKLY Checks Of $288, $624, $976! Spanish / English Languege
Bless you and your family Financially and Physically!
To Your Success,
Francisco Dejesus Rivera
787-766-9936 San Juan PR
Skype: Francisco.Dejesus.Rivera
You will get three powerful CD copy that will change the way you look at food!
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