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Leah at Sixteen
9/24/2011 10:33:44 AM

Leah at Sixteen

From your senile Papaw 8/18/11

Leah can always make me laugh,

Through nearly perfect at least by half,

If there’s a joke I have not heard,

She’ll make sure I get the word.

It doeth good like a medicine

She may never get sick again.

The joy of the Lord shows in her life,

She’ll make some preacher a lovely wife.

Even her harp can bring me joy,

Though piano is her favorite toy.

Leah will go a long, long way,

If she walks with God each day.

Her smile can light a great big room.

It will be loved by her groom.

But that’s at least ten years away.

For now she’s our girl here to stay. (yea – yea – yea!)

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