RGCSL Daily Insights
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM
Around the year with Ernest Holmes
Compiled by Serving New Thought
We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.
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The insight for today:
Question — I have been unable to hold a position due to the fact that I seem impelled at times to leave unceremoniously. I seem to be forced to obey some voice within. It is as though there were a master directing me. The condition brings severe pains across my body. Can you suggest a remedy?"
"ANSWER — You are evidently functioning on the psychic plane, or the 'plane of many minds.' I advise you, for your peace of mind, resolutely to climb higher. You are the only master who has a moral right to direct your own actions. There is a center within you through which the true intuition or guidance works; this is the well you must seek to tap; this is the point you must keep in mind as you do your daily work. The treatment for you to practice is somewhat as follows: ' By this word, which I recognize to be Pure Spirit, I free myself forever from everything that is contrary to the God- intended man—MY REAL SELF—and I (naming yourself), am under the direct and holy guidance of Truth. Anything less than Pure Truth cannot touch me. I know myself to be led to my right position, because my word establishes me there now. "
"This word acts itself out for me without hindrance or delay. DAILY BELIEVING AND SPEAKING THE WORD IS NECESSARY."
"It operates simply by speaking."
– Ernest Holmes
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