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RGCSL Daily Insights –Truth Knows No Opposites…
9/9/2011 12:13:30 PM

RGCSL Daily Insights

Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living,Albuquerque,NM

Around the year with Ernest Holmes
Compiled by Serving New Thought

We give thanks to the Divine Journal for their work in providing this.

Return each day to RGCSL Daily Insights
You will find a new and wonderful insight!

The insight for today:

“The world is slow in waking up to reality, but we need not wait.”Though the whole world were unhappy, peace still would be. It is our business to demonstrate that harmony is real and discord unreal, that good is real no matter how much evil people may be experiencing. It is on this basis alone that we can use the greatest law of life.” Good never compromises with its opposite. The one practicing must be able to look a fact in the face and say that it is not there. This will not be irrational to the one who has made a careful study of the Science of Mind and Spirit.”

The results rest in the eternal law of good.:
“Truth knows no opposites. When we take away the belief in evil it flees with the dissolution of this belief. We must be continually reminding ourselves of the power of the word and of our ability to consciously use it. We must know that truth produces freedom because truth is freedom. We are not God, but we are some part of the power of God. It is in quiet expectancy and in calm confidence that our work should be done. “

“It operates simply by speaking.”

– Ernest Holmes

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