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"Sticky Keys"
8/23/2011 5:37:39 PM
Welcome Adland Friends and Visitors

Many people love using "Keyboard Shortcuts" to save time, they're quick but also can get tricky when you use three keys at a time. This feature called "Sticky Keys" has a solution for you by typing one key at a time rather than all at once!
Sticky Keys gives you a delay between key strokes when doing a keyboard shortcut. Here's an example: You want to copy something rather than hold down Ctrl + C, you can type "Ctrl then C".

Here’s how to access this feature in Windows 7 and XP users...

Windows 7 Sticky Keys

Click "Start" and in the Search Box type "Sticky Keys" then click the top selection that says: Change how your keyboard works.

When the resulting window appears, you’ll see several options for your keyboard. Under the second header, put a check next to: Turn on Sticky Keys then hit OK. That’s all you need to do!

Also, you can click on Set up Sticky Keys if you like, and modify different options like pressing "Shift" five times to enable Sticky Keys, audible notifications when modifier keys are pressed, and whether or not an icon appears in the taskbar when Sticky Keys are enabled.

Remember, you can change this stuff back just by repeating these steps:
" Turn on Sticky Keys then hit "OK".

XP Sticky Keys

Click "Start" "Control Panel" and select "Accessibility Options" then click "Or pick a Control Panel icon".

On the “Keyboard” Tab, place a check in the checkbox next to "Use Sticky Keys".

Click "OK" to close the Accessibility Options window.

;-) Now your your ready to do combos a key at a time!

Watch for the next tip!
Have an awesome day


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