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Do You Suffer From Lack Of Sleep?
7/27/2011 6:23:47 AM
There several natural ways to increase your chances of having deeper sleep. Many have experienced better sleep by wrapping powerful certified, Natural Earth Therapeutic Body Wear(TM) lariats around the ankle and wrist.

Do you lose sleep due to emotional stress from the job, over personal relationships, personal health issues or whatever? I used to until I tried something that is simple, effective and the best part is, its FREE, and who isn`t looking for something of value for little or no cost?

It takes some practice and perseverance. You must do this at least 15 minutes everyday for the effect to begin building momentum. The benefits begin immediately though. Once mastered, total relaxation can be achieved and a more healthful peace of mind.

First, it is essential that you find a darkened, quiet place, away from the TV, the radio or any other noisy disturbances. Lie down and relax. While you are laying there in the dark and quiet stillness, clear you mind of any thoughts or anxieties. Clear your mind and think of absolutely nothing. Thoughts will begin to creep in. Dismiss them and concentrate on the sound of your breathing.

Take some long, slow deep breaths. In and out. Nice and calm. The breathing does not take practice but dismissing any thoughts that keep entering your mind does. That is your ego repeating the unpleasant experiences of the day.

Once you have successfully learned how to eliminate those thoughts for that 15 minute period, try extending that time and introduce thoughts of pleasant places that you have been or where it is that you imagine would make you happy to be, like all alone on a Caribbean or Pacific island. Or how about in the stillness of a great forest with only the sound of birds chirping? But no noise from outside. Keep the silence of your surroundings while you concentrate on nothing at all.

One of the greatest relaxing influences whether you are in an environment where there is or is not sound is to listen to music or mellow musical tones recorded in C scale= 528Hz. The effect is not describable in words but is definitely soothing and helps to get the mind off of the problems of the day. Falling asleep with that music softly playing in your ears has been known to have a very tranqulizing effect.

This process is the beginning of earning good health. Why is your progress towards success not moving at the pace that you wish? Well, It could be because you are not living in the moment. You are worrying too far ahead or about things that have happened in the past that can`t be changed. Relaxing and putting your body in a state that helps those healing brainwave patterns to establish during deep sleep is essential.

Taking time for you is the first step in bringing the peace of mind needed to help establish balance between body, mind and spirit. Without that balance, enjoying true long lasting great health is not likely.

So live in the moment and be the best that you can be right now, this minute. That includes evdeavoring at the above task. It has worked for me, and has gotten easier with time. It does not mean forgetting your future goals. It just means living in the moment and enjoying every moment in the present.

There is great truth in the statement, "The better it gets, the better it gets."