Hi Guys, Get the BEST Tools and Training available in our industry and get HANDSOMELY paid for sharing! http://mwteam.STIFORPTour.com BULLETPOINTS ===================================== * The owner is seasoned and is a good friend of mine, he is well respected and has brought other successful programs in the past! * It is a 2x14 company forced matrix offering 12 levels of payout without sponsoring * $49.95 to get in and $9.95/mo) OR $139,95 for the entire year and you'll be able to earn through all 14 levels without sponsoring! * Company is non-competitive as its product will help its members to be better marketers for any opportunity. * 50% Fast Start through 5 levels! * 5 Generations of Matching Bonuses! * Cutting Edge web site with Powerline, Tour, Splash Pages, Tracking System, Contact Manager and more! * International, with a history of being able to pay worldwide and on time! * Accepts Master Card and Visa credit cards! * This program is expected to offer longevity and be here for years to come, if the owner's past results indicate future successes. ======================================== If you are still not convinced then this is probably NOT something for you, or you have already ENOUGH MONEY! P.S. If you need help or want to talk to me don't hesitate to contact me Go Get Um! Your friend, Walter Wilson MWTeam Skype: wwilson53