The Customer Advantage (TCA) is a deal-a-day company much like Groupon where you subscribe for a free membership and get discounted product/service offers emailed to you each day. (See below for one of our current discount offers). TCA saw a trend here in the deal-a-day coupon business and decided to enter the race, with one HUGE difference! The difference, and the best part about this is that they figured out how to pay their subscribers. Groupon and other company's like it use their subscribers to market discounted offers. It's called viral marketing and it works. But Groupon and the others don't pay subscribers like TCA does. When you subscribe to TCA and share this information with others, you get paid 5% each time one of them makes a purchase, and they become part of your TCA team, and your team is not just the people you personally refer. Your team goes down through 5 pay levels!