
Johnny Richardson

42 Posts
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Wanna Make 10k Plus with Real Estate?AMPS is closing
6/12/2011 7:36:46 PM

Hey Everybody,

This is it.

The “Assignment Of Mortgage Payment System” will officially close tonight at 11:59 PM Central Time. This will be your last chance to get in… as the site will be taken down.

Get instant access to AMPS™ now.

You’ll notice that there is a payment plan available on the order form, and you get instant, full-access to AMPS™ immediately after you sign-up -- all the bonuses, REI Matcher, training videos… everything!

Join us now in profiting with AMPS™!


Johnny Richardson

P.S. The first Q&A call with Phill Grove is this coming Monday. To get in on that call go ahead and sign-up now. You’ll also get registered for the LIVE 2-Day workshop that’s coming up (at no charge to you).

P.S.S. Don’t forget, you also get three AMPS™ territories… with no set-up fees. (The Austin, Texas territory is sold out. Other territories are very close to being sold out. This method is 100% legal with over 200 AMPS™ Attorneys in all 50 states plus Canada who will close your AMPS™ deals for you.)

Claim your AMPS™ territory now - before it closes tonight.

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