Sure, when they say "No", it hurts. But it also releases you, lets you go on your way. The most painful word is actually a sentence: "OK. Sounds good. Let me think about it." THAT one is like a never-ending toothache. It can tie you up for days or weeks or months or ... years? A leader makes decisions. Go with your gut. Do it. Right or wrong, it really does not matter. You can always change it later. The longer you think it over, the more time & mental energy you waste. Have you ever noticed how tough it is for pr0spects to decide? On Saturday night, May 14th, at 8:55 pm Eastern time, Richard Dennis will talk about how to ease the pain of decisions ... and ramp up the pain of indecision ... for your prospects AND for yourself. To listen in, just reply to this email with "Decisions" in the subject line, and I'll give you the call-in number. What you learn on this telesem1nar can make a real difference in your f1nancial future. Hope you'll join us! I appreciate you! Ann Pacey