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Timeless's just great!
5/4/2011 7:18:24 AM
Timeless Message....

Since I didn't get to post this here before Easter...I'm sharing this YouTube video that is just great. I hope you will take the time to listen to the message, even though Easter is long gone.

My computer was once again down for a few days during some recent storms that passed through. What was supposed to be a few hours of down time turned out being several days again. Thankfully, I'm back up and running now & I'm sorry I wasn't able to post in Adland for the second time recently that lasted a few days. I hope everyone had a nice Easter and you are having nice weather.

It was really cold for the past couple of days here but now the temps are coming back up. Forty five degrees might not seem too cold...but my brother was up in my attic a month ago & asked me if I wanted him to turn the pilot light on my gas heater off. I said "sure, I don't think I'll have any need for heat now that it's getting really warm."

Lesson learned! When it's 45 degrees outside, it's quite cold inside the house. Who would have thought that May 1st in Texas would've brought such cool temperatures, especially since it's already been up the 85 degrees. Well, you just never know in Texas...but I don't remember it getting this cold after April is over with. Maybe it has, but it's not typical, at least in the part of the state that I'm in.

Here's a YouTube clip that is just wonderful. It's timeless in it's message.

Take care,

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: Timeless's just great!
5/4/2011 9:24:40 AM

14th century English philosopher, William of Occam had a theory that said, "The best solution to a problem is almost always the simplest solution.". The theory is called "Occam's Razor.". Do you agree or disagree? "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Flag of La Nell !

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RE: Timeless's just great!
5/4/2011 1:45:44 PM
Hi Cheryl, I am so glad your computer is working again. I knew there was a reason that you have been missing from the community. I am glad that you are back. This Timeless Message is just great! Hugs, LaNell
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RE: Timeless's just great!
5/5/2011 12:17:54 AM

Dear Cheryl,

A nice thread and a most interesting subject. The timeless message is simply beautiful... and I naturally agree with William of Occam's theory. In effect, I cannot imagine a complicate solution to almost any problem. The reason is simple, any such 'solution' would create new problems at every step if it required many steps to be taken or in any of its parts if it consisted of many parts.

Thanks for sharing,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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RE: Timeless's just great!
5/5/2011 3:46:26 AM
Hey there LaNell,

Thanks for dropping by...yes, the message is Timeless...I love the way the clip was done. I thought it was powerful and it gave me goose bumps the 1st time I listened.

Yes, I'm glad my computer seems to be working alright at this moment. Hope it continues to purr right along.

Take care,

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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