Online shopping is becoming safer and safer with all the new safeguards in place to protect your credit card information but there's still some things you have to look out for with online shopping malls because some of these shopping sites are more like flea markets. 70% of Ebay shoppers are satisfied with their shopping experience according to a Consumers Report survey. Just slow down and weigh your options before clicking the buy now button. Below are a few tips I got from Suze Orman who I follow for her business tips from Opra's Book Club. 1. If you're shopping at Ebay be careful that you don't get into a bidding war and get caught up in the bidding frenzy, its east to do because when I was a newbie it happened to me with Google Adwords when I was bidding for keywords, it can and will break you. 2. Check the return policy: Legit businesses have no problem stating clearly what their return policies are where you can see it. 3. If you're buying an antique item make sure you get a certificate of authenticity, Tiffany sued Ebay over something like this. If you're still leery let an appraiser see the item online and see what they say. 4. Never send a check, money order or wire transfer for an item, if someone ask's you to red flags should go up all over the place. Using your credit card at least fives you the assurance that you can get a refund for domestic purchases. Feel free to stop by my Online Shopping Mall, its safe, cheap and not a flea market.