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Shirley Caron is in the Hospital....Please Pray.
12/28/2005 10:35:59 PM
Hello Friends, I just wanted to pass the message to you that Shirley Caron is in the hospital. She has had 2 large blood clots from her legs move up and lodge in her lungs. The Doctors have put her on blood thinners to help this situation, & it looks like she may be in the hospital for some time. This is information that I gleaned from a post that Michael Caron made in a forum that he sent out today. Michael is noticably upset, as you can imagine. Please uplift him and Shirley in your thoughts and prayers. I;m sure that Michael & Shirley would love to know that you are praying for them & send your well wishes. Michael said in the post that Luella May has more details. Here's the link to the message that Michael posted to let us know. Thank you for letting the Caron's know that you are thinking about them. Blessings to you all, Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Flag of Deborah Skovron

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Re: Shirley Caron is in the Hospital....Please Pray.
12/28/2005 10:43:42 PM
Hi Cheryl, I was just in Mike's forum and found out about Shirley. I will be praying for her. They are such good people, it just brings tears to my eyes. You are such a good person for doing this for the Caron's. God Bless You. Your Friend Deborah
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Re: Shirley Caron is in the Hospital....Please Pray.
12/28/2005 11:11:27 PM
I was just at the other Forum Cheryl. God be with them both. I am praying very hard for Shirley to be ok. They are both such dear spirits and they need our support. Thank you for doing this Forum Cheryl. Blessings and Love,
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Re: Shirley Caron is in the Hospital....Please Pray.
12/28/2005 11:18:43 PM
Hi Cheryl thank you for the info, my prayers are with them both and also sent Mike a post telling him my prayers are with them
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Flag of Cheryl Baxter

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Re: Shirley Caron is in the Hospital....Please Pray.
12/28/2005 11:20:47 PM
Hi Lee, Thanks for coming by & I'm glad that you have posted in the forum that Michael started. I know it means the world to them to know that we are praying. I appreciate you my friend. Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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