Hello Fernando,
A lovely forum and poetry.
I wrote this one two years ago and featured it in my poetry forum.( http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/post/1210729/MyPoetryRogerMacdivitt.aspx?flag=202286465 )
Although it's technically not my best I like it because the statements are true and the subject is beautiful.
Sweet peas (c) R Macdivitt 2009
Of all the flowers ever grown
these delicate flowers, often shewn
bring joy of eye and scent to please
when dancing delicately in the breeze.
Strong of colour and pastel shades
all mix together in natural parades
of God's creation and man-mades
combine before their glory fades.
Oh how I love their heady scent
in cottage garden their presence meant
that in the vase they would prevent
temporary depressions becoming permanent.
Their tendrils climb and cling and fix
their stalks and leaves to mesh and sticks
the bee he visits and butterfly licks
the loveliest of flowers sweetest tricks.
Frequent picking fails to stem
the flowers from coming, encouraging them
to grow some more of natures gem,
the jewel of flowers, a diadem.
A garden full of shrubs and trees
can, like nothing else, the senses please
but nothing brings me to my knees
like a bowl of glorious, scent-rich sweet peas.