My apologies but the program I am marketing is only for United States Residents at this time, but we are working to make this program open to world wide residents thank you for your understanding. Make up to $2000.00 or more a month plus recieve silver and possibly gold coins, commissions of 120-720 dollars or more and also recieve company profit shares all of this monthly, and all of this absolutley 100% FREE. That's right no out of pocket cost to you, and to make it even better they give you the free tools and training you need to succeed in the business you already have, or if you are looking to start a business they help you with that too, so what's the catch you ask? 3 Simple credits are required to become an affiliate, but these credits can be achieved free or I suppose if you don't want to do the surveys, or download some cool stuff or even do some trial offers(with no obligation to buy) you can always pay to upgrade to affiliate status(not recommended since this program can be done free) The upgrade price for all three credits is currently a value of $135.00. I didn't upgrade like that, because some of the things on the site under the trial offers I wanted anyways, and along with some of the downloads. So if you are interested in this program, and you decide to sign up I strongly recommend you write to me after you have signed up if they confuse you with this and I will explain how it can be done the easy way ok? Cool sign up now As soon as you sign up the main importance is to get your credits done than the only thing left is to market the program, this so easy I'm surprised it hasn't had a chainline affect across the country like a virus, there is so much money that can be made in this program!