
Earn Over $80,000 A Year Without Sponsoring A Single Person...NEW!
3/4/2011 12:00:47 AM

There's A New Site In Pre-Launch Called "That Free Thing"!

If You Like Getting Loads Of FREE Stuff And Earning A Boat Load
Of Cash Without Lifting A Finger Then This Is For You!

It's A 3x8 Forced Matrix And You Can Earn On All 8 Levels Without
Lifting A Finger!

You Could Be Earning Over $80,000 A Year And Never
Sponsor A Single Person!

For The Promoter You Can Yourself HUGE Matching Bonuses
On 3 Levels!

Get LOADS Of FREE Stuff Like Food, Clothes, Household Items And
The List Goes On And On And On........!

Some Of These FREE Items Are Worth HUNDREDS Of Dollars But
You Can Get Them FREE As A Member Of "That Free Thing"!

This Is In Pre-Launch But They Are Letting People Pay Now And It
Will Only Cost You A ONETIME $25 Fee And Then $9.95 A Month!

They Payout Weekly - Monthly!

The SPILLOVER Will Be HUGE With Them Looking To Bring
In 50,000 People In The 1st 90 Days And A WHOPPING 1
Million People In The 1st 12 Months!

These People Can Be In Your Downline Earning You BIG Cash!

"That Free Thing" Will Become A Household Name And This Is
Your Chance To Get In At The Very Start!

Grab A Spot Today:


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