THE 267TH   Becky Ragsdale Hi Every one, Thanks so much for your votes dear friends. Wife and mother of two daughters. I live in Tennessee on a dairy farm. I have been in internet marketing for the past 10 years and I really enjoy it. I must say though that I have never found anything as exciting as the company I am currently in. One24. Until I found One24 I only did this part time. I recently quit my job and now do this full time. Nothing I have ever done before One24 would allow me to do that. I started in august and in December this year I was able to quit and do this full time. I have a wonder bunch of individuals who are as passionate about One24 as I am. We help each and that is only one of several reason that make this company so different then others. We help each other obtain sign ups, with marketing, and anything else that is needed. In addition to the wonderfully easy compensation plan One24 has a product Natraburst that is terrific. It is completely all natural and contains your daily requirements of 6 fruits and vegetables. I have had high blood pressure and high cholostrol for years. After 2 months of taking Natraburst my doctor took me off both my medications for my blood pressure and cholostrol. I feel terrific and have more energy then I have in years. I would do this just for the product but of course the money is a terrific bonus. I will be making more money by the end of the year then I ever dreamed I would ever make. My family and myself have been blessed to find One24. I love what I do today and I love helping others get involved to help them make their dreams come true as well. I also can not tell you all how much I love Adland pro and the people here are all so awesome. Becky Ragsdale 931-364-4650