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Linda Harvey

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RED FRIDAY for fighting Heart Disease and raise awareness !
2/3/2011 8:14:17 PM
Go Red For Women® asks women to Tell 5

Tell 5. Save Lives.
As you probably already know, heart disease is still the No. 1 killer of women, taking the life of 1 in 3 women each year. This means women just like you - mothers, sisters, friends - are dying at the rate of one per minute because they don't know what you know: heart disease kills.

Go Red For Women is asking you to tell 5 women you care about that you want them to live . Just think: By simply bringing your network to our network, you could save lives. And if your 5 tell 5, your mission can eventually impact hundreds and thousands of women.

Tell 5 friends you want them to live

Linda Harvey

7954 Posts
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RE: RED FRIDAY for fighting Heart Disease and raise awareness !
2/3/2011 8:15:40 PM
Eat healthy and exercise ! Remember to Wear Red Tomorrow!