Find out how to turn your monthly shopping into an internet work-from-home business by simply switching stores, supermarkets or brands. And convert your home to eco-friendly, 'go green' daily use products. Shop smarter for safer and healthier choice, and turn this into a flexible and reliable work-from-home extra income opportunity. Currently, our principal US-based Company have 3 showrooms in Singapore. Discover how you can be a smart shopper and earn extra income every month building the business from home. Learn how to get your home-based recession-proof shopping business started immediately through our internet prospecting/marketing system from home. Use your spare time or weekend to build this long-term viable, no risk home business. Now open in Malaysia since March 2010. Expanding to Philippines soon. Great potential with exponential growth! Anyone can do this home business! Attend our FREE webinar online presentation to learn the full concept of our "Internet Work-from-Home Business Opportunity". Request for online presentation at: