Fortune2x2 is growing bigger and bigger everyday and it's because of the product and compensation plan. No where on the internet is there a program that prepays your monthly payments for residual pay but FORTUNE2X2! Our products are new age digital marketing tools that will literally sell your business for you. This is why we are growing so fast. We are constantly developing additional products that will make this program the most sought after program in 2011. Not only will networkers love our products, but genearl businesses like mom & pop shops, corporations and the general public will love using it. And on top of that, it will automatically create them an income as well. CAN IT GET ANY BETTER! Well yes it can because it has only a ONE TIME COST of $39.95 to become a member and have full access for life to all the products PLUS... create you the monthly residual income without paying another dime! On top of that, our team is helping each member to maximize his/her income by rotating members links. So, what are you waiting for, come and join our team at TODAY!