
Don Evans

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An offer you cannot refuse.
12/22/2010 3:10:34 PM

I am about to make you an offer that you simply cannot refuse. Unless of course you have no interest what-so-ever in HELPING OTHERS and/or helping your bank account grow at the same time.

First, let me talk about something that I know has kept a lot of people from getting involved with Connecting us All. I have received a few emails from people at Adlandpro that I have contacted about it, and they came back to me telling me that gifting programs were illegal and that they would never be a part of something like that.

Be assured that this is 100% legal. To make sure it is operating legally, members send gifts back and forth to each other. CUA management does not receive any income from that. NOTE: They make money from that $16.00 per month we pay for the software. AND when we send a gift, we have to sign a statement that it was an unconditional gift. Stay with me for a minute and I will tell you more about my offer to you. First, I will paste up a copy of that statement below, and continue with this below that.

Gifting Statement

Title 26, United States Code Section: 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504, 2511
Canadian Tax Code Sections 143.3 and 62.0

I, Name Here), (known as 'xxxxxxxxx' within Connecting Us All) do hereby declare under penalties of perjury that the following statements are true and correct to the very best of my knowledge.

Any and all property of any nature that I transfer from my ownership and possession to the recipient of my gift, is intended as a gift and not as an investment. I have not been sold anything and I have not purchased anything, and I have not been offered any opportunity to do so.

I have been told to not expect any return of any nature, and I have received no license or privilege of soliciting or recruiting other parties to participate in this gifting activity. With this statement I waive any and all my rights to civil or criminal remedies against the recipient of my gift and the gifting activity as a whole.

I perceive no agreement between myself and the recipient of my gift, and I expect no profit, benefit, or opportunity of any nature in consideration of the property that I have been transferred as a gift. I believe that I am totally within the law, as it pertains to my activities herein described.

My intent is to give a gift of $100.00 (United States Dollars or equivalent) to Don Evans (known as 'Don Evans' within Connecting Us All) as an individual, and I do not intend the gift as an investment nor as a payment for which I am owed anything of any value or nature, and I acknowledge that my gift does not entitle me to any future opportunity or benefit of any nature. I understand that the gifting activity accepts only gifts and that they absolutely do not accept any property offered with the intent of its owner that a future return or opportunity be obtained or secured by virtue of their having transferred s aid gift to another individual.

I have agreed under this gift contract to not reassert any rights to the property that I now give freely as a gift to another individual. I am a fully informed and consenting adult or monitored by an ad ult and I have not been misled in anyway. Furthermore I fully accept the "Terms of Service" and have fully read and accept the "Disclosures" listed at I agree this statement is governed by the laws and regulations in Colorado Springs, Colorado within The United States Of America, the location of the Worldwide Headquarters of Connecting Us All.

I do hereby declare under penalties of perjury that the foregoing statement is true and correct, and are binding upon me to the full extent expressed therein.

Executed this 30th day of November, -0001.


* By participating in this activity you have in no way purchased a "position" or "spot". You have not purchased the right to make money or proceeds and you have in no way purchased the right to benefit from gifting. It simply means that you have given a gift and the participation with this activity is logged and recorded. Being placed in any kind of chronological order does not mean that you have any rights to, or share in, the benefits of gifting.*

So, that takes care of the legal issue. Now, what about that offer? Here it is.

Get signed up with CUA now. Watch the training videos, and go through the "How to get started" training material as soon as you possibly can. That should take you about two hours or less. Also NOW, click on the link below, and join us in the forum I have set up at AdlandPro for CUA, and post a message to let me know you are there. If you will do that, then from that point on I will keep you informed and up to date about what is going on with Connecting us All at all time, AND I am absolutely confident that YOU will soon have more money flowing into your back account. That WILL get your new year off to a good start.

This is the link for the forum.

All the best!

Don Evans

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