
Sharon Van Der Merwe

262 Posts
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Post to over 2,972,944 Active Networkers !
11/25/2010 9:35:01 AM
2,900,000 members can not be wrong!

This system puts members in your team every day-for FREE!

2.9 million members are FORCED to build your team for you and to pay you!

You can take this entire huge team to any program to make money!

Take a chance. Try it out! It's FREE anyway.

You have nothing to lose.

This is my 16th day and I have 195 members in my downline and growing everyday.

Take the 14 day free trial and see how it goes for you.

I upgraded for $25 once off and received these benefits:

I can switch inactive members with my active ones.

I can see when they log in and what pages they view - great to see who is pulling their weight and who is doing nothing.

Can send them a pre-written reminder which can also be customized. Many people sign up for things and just forget about them.

Still more benefits, but I won't mention everyone here.

You can see a screen shot of my level 5 uplines payment for November here

Hope to see you there!

Paying Out Worldwide For Over 16 Years And Still Going Strong
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