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Overcome Limitations - Discover Your True Nature to Overcome Limitations - Pt. 1
11/12/2010 4:06:57 AM
Do you know who you really are? Okay, I hear you say an emphatic, "Yes!" But do you really really know who you are? Many of us identify with being our physical bodies - I'm tall, I'm short, I'm beautiful, I'm fat, I'm black, I'm white, I'm Indian, I'm American, I'm Canadian, I'm a doctor, I'm a writer - and the list goes on and on. But these externals do not identify our true nature. We identify with these externals because of misplaced identity and hence the reason for many of our inferiority complexes, fears and insecurities.

Let's do a short exercise

1. For just a moment try to forget about your body - ignore your body.

2. Close your eyes and observe with your inner eyes what's going on inside of you.

3. Pay attention to your mind, your thoughts.

4. Now, quiet your mind from thinking, and focus your attention to your feeling place, your emotions, your inner feelings.

5. Allow yourself to connect with the inner peace, inner joy, inner love - at first you may just get glimpses of it if you've never done this before but keep focused and it will begin to become clearer and you'll be able to connect on a deeper level.

This place of peace, this place of Being, your inner spirit, this Inner Sanctuary is where you dwell and who you are and your connection to the Universal Mind, the Source, God, the Supreme Being. In this place you are unlimited. The ever flowing Infinite Supply flows to and through you. You are the sun, drawing your life energy from the Universal Source and shining brightly from within, emanating through your mind and body into your outer world. Do you see yourself?

Now you ask the question then, what is your mind? What is your body? They are but instruments through which the giant of your unlimited potential shines through. Your mind is the tool to express the ideas of your infinite being. It's the tool to develop and nurture your life purpose through the activity of thinking. Your body is the tool for your inner being to physically experience in expression this purpose.

Keep an eye out for Part 2.

Changing your life may seem like an overwhelming frustrating process. But it doesn't have to be if you're given simple doable step-by-step strategies that will get you from where you are to where you want to be. Life-changing inspirational writer, Alicia Isaacs, shares simple doable step-by-step strategies that will get you from where you are to where you want to be and experience a transformed life at Discover a simple step-by-step process to Overcome Inferiority Complex and finally be free to Build Self-confidence so you can live the life you deserve! at
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Overcome Limitations - Discover Your True Nature to Overcome Limitations - Pt. 1
11/12/2010 9:55:56 PM

[...] Allow yourself to connect with the inner peace, inner joy, inner love - at first you may just get glimpses of it if you've never done this before but keep focused and it will begin to become clearer and you'll be able to connect on a deeper level.

This place of peace, this place of Being, your inner spirit, this Inner Sanctuary is where you dwell and who you are and your connection to the Universal Mind, the Source, God, the Supreme Being. In this place you are unlimited. The ever flowing Infinite Supply flows to and through you. You are the sun, drawing your life energy from the Universal Source and shining brightly from within, emanating through your mind and body into your outer world. Do you see yourself?

Now you ask the question then, what is your mind? What is your body? They are but instruments through which the giant of your unlimited potential shines through. Your mind is the tool to express the ideas of your infinite being. It's the tool to develop and nurture your life purpose through the activity of thinking. Your body is the tool for your inner being to physically experience in expression this purpose.

Dear Alice,

Thank you for this wonderful topic. It is great to know that not all forums here belong in the purely materialistic or similar modes.

I was reading your method for going deep into yourself and it looks pretty good for everyone, beyond many fantastic methods such as abound today.

If you don't mind, I would like to contribute the most simple but all the same most elevated and profound technique of meditation that has ever existed (and I am being quite literal in this assertion), the 'so-han' or 'so-ham' meditation, as it is called in India, that I was transmitted long ago by my spiritual teacher in a genuine disciplic line. In truth, this method has accompanied me over the years with such life-changing results that I can only refer to it, in biblical terms, as the best way to be 'in the presence of the Lord' most of the time. To my surprise, I recently found it being freely taught by the Meditation Society of America. You may find it here if you like:

Best Wishes,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

RE: Overcome Limitations - Discover Your True Nature to Overcome Limitations - Pt. 1
11/17/2010 8:06:33 AM
Thanks for sharing Luis. I will check out the site.

Changing your life may seem like an overwhelming frustrating process. But it doesn't have to be if you're given simple doable step-by-step strategies that will get you from where you are to where you want to be. Life-changing inspirational writer, Alicia Isaacs, shares simple doable step-by-step strategies that will get you from where you are to where you want to be and experience a transformed life at Discover a simple step-by-step process to Overcome Inferiority Complex and finally be free to Build Self-confidence so you can live the life you deserve! at
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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RE: Overcome Limitations - Discover Your True Nature to Overcome Limitations - Pt. 1
11/19/2010 12:38:45 AM
Hello again, Alice,

for replying. I just love the subject of your forum, especially the metaphysical part, and would like to invite you to visit my 'Cosmic Religion and the New Age' forum. Not that I want to persuade you into becoming an adept of the New Age movement, but you might find the topic of one of its threads particularly interesting: namely, whether there in fact exists a 'cosmic' religion... You will find it here:

Thanks again,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
