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Remebering Those Who Have Served - Happy Veteran's Day
11/7/2010 7:37:14 PM
Hello My Friends,

This week, on Thursday, November 11th, our Nation will pause to remember all of the Brave Men & Women who have fought and died on Battlefields around the World, so that you and I might be live our lives in Freedom.

If you happen to meet a Veteran as you go about your business this week, stop and shake his or her hand, and let them know that you appreciate their Service. The smile on their faces, just from knowing that someone cares, will brighten your day, just as much as it does theirs.

Heroes Die for Me

by Jamie Burns

I am the flag

I look down upon this land called America .

I have been here since this great nation was formed,

I have seen each battle fought

I have seen the heroes die for me, for my country

Thank you all those of you

Who have kept me flying in the breeze

Keeping this country united as one.

Thank you those of you who have sacrificed your lives,

Giving up all that I may still fly,

Watching over the citizens of this nation.

Thank you all those of you who have ever fought,

I am ever grateful for you.

You risked everything; you faced death each day,

Faced fear, faced many terrible things.

And because of you, my thank you's ring out,

Filling the sky, echoing from the hills

They find their way to the graveyards,

And to all of you still living,

You are a special kind of person.

To anyone who has ever served this country,

And to those serving today

Thank you.

As I watch life from atop my flagpole,

As I think of all you've done,

My feelings become too powerful for words

And all I can say is thank you.


(Click Below For A Musical Tribute)

May God Bless Our Troops & May God Bless America,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Remebering Those Who Have Served - Happy Veteran's Day
11/7/2010 10:11:17 PM


I just watched a film about World War I.

I cannot go into detail but it brought home to me like never before the waste and the pain.

My thanks are real. As a British subject I know that if it wasn't for these poor souls I wouldn't exist let alone have a future.

With the injured returning unmentioned every day we are still not recognising their sacrifice.

May God Bless all of these people and teach us to support them.


Flag of Phillip Black

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RE: Remebering Those Who Have Served - Happy Veteran's Day
11/8/2010 12:20:22 AM

"I dream of one day giving birth to a child who will ask, "Mother, what was war?" Eve Merriam

Hi Roger,

It's Great to see you here at the Forum, and Thanks so much for stopping by to help Honor all of these Brave Soldiers, not only those who have already fallen, but also those wonderfully Strong Men & Women who continue to put themselves in the Line of Fire daily to defend our Right to Live Free from Tyranny and Oppression.

On this solemn occasion, as we gather to Honor and to Mourn our Fallen Heroes, may we also remember the second part of that favorite verse of Matthew...

And may we offer up a Prayer to our Father, in the words of Oliver Wendell Holmes...

Lord, bid that war's Trumpets cease;
And fold the whole earth in peace. Amen.

Have A Wonderful Week & A Blessed Veteran's Day My Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Flag of Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Remebering Those Who Have Served - Happy Veteran's Day
11/8/2010 12:31:18 AM
HI Phil,

Thank you for doing this site for our Vets. We surely do need to tell them how much they are appreciated for all they have done for our country.


Flag of Phillip Black

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RE: Remebering Those Who Have Served - Happy Veteran's Day
11/8/2010 9:42:14 PM

"In war, there are no unwounded soldiers." -Jose Narosky

Hi Myrna,

Thanks so much for stopping by to join us in Honoring and Remembering our Veterans, and Thanks for the Video. My browser still won't let me watch them here at Adland, but I'm sure that it was special.

This week, and especially on Thursday the 11th, whatever we may be doing, and wherever life may be leading us, I hope we will all Pause for a few moments, just to say Thank You to a Vet.

Thank You

You were just men and women
Some young and some old,
You had never fought, certainly never killed
Your brothers, your friends, will never return
You may be one of the lucky ones.
You have been called,
Your heart accepted.

We sent you away,
And you obeyed the command
Many of you will not return,
And some will return with the pain.
No one will walk away untouched,
Yet still, you obeyed.

You were lucky,
But your Brother wasn’t
He died in the battle
And his blood ran into your heart.
His name became a symbol
Letter after letter wet with tears.
And still, he'll never return.

A father, a son, a daughter or mother
Now rests among the rows of crosses.
We sent you away, and many didn't return.
You were never really thanked,
No one seemed to remember your sacrifice.
But I do, and I just wanted to say thank you.

Now, if you'll Click on the Flag below, I hope you'll enjoy a combined performance by The Military Academy Choirs,accompanied by the U.S. Army Herald Trumpets, as they perform our National Anthem...

Thanks Again My Friend & God Bless You,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10

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