On the left bar is a section in Blue with White letters "Our members". If you are looking for specific people like people who like affiliates this is the box to find them. Now for the bad news. It would be like searching for a needle in a hay stack as you can go through hundreds of profiles and find incomplete profiles and people who left years ago. Accounts remain but you have no way to contact these people.
Save yourself the trouble and use this list which will be updated often. This should narrow your search but will not provide categories of interest. When the profile is opened you will find on the right a section that says "Interests".
On the right hand bar is a section for birthdays and new members. Again these could be people who are no longer active. Save yourself the trouble and use the list provided here. Since few birthdays are there each day, it would be worth your time to go visit and leave a birthday wish on the comments. Save time, observe date of last activity.
These are clickable urls. Any mistakes let me know. Does a list like this help you?. Let me know, HIT THE REPLY BUTTON BELOW THIS MESSAGE.
Donovan Baldwin http://community.adlandpro.com/members/donovanbaldwin.aspx joined 2009
Liane Bisaillon http://community.adlandpro.com/members/Liane.aspx joined 2010
Barbara Ross http://community.adlandpro.com/members/Cricket222.aspx joined 2008
Shailesh Parkar http://community.adlandpro.com/members/355743.aspx joined 2008
Ingrid Camacho http://community.adlandpro.com/Search.aspx?term=Ingrid Camacho joined 2008
Rachel Kelders http://community.adlandpro.com/members/mudbizlady.aspx joined 2010
Tuula Rands http://community.adlandpro.com/members/tuulamr.aspx joined 2007
BUILD YOUR PROSPECT LIST save time, build your list fast and easy.
Tip of the day: Stay inspired: http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/post/284733/ContinueOn.aspx?flag=5mahofst