If you have committed (upgraded) then its time to set up ad tracker which is the task for day 2. You will want to track your forums here in Adlandpro, about me here in Adlandpro, signature line here in Adlandpro, 12 sec commute home page, where ever you have been advertising. This will tell you your returns for money spent in any advertising you have been purchasing. You might discover that free advertising may o rmay not be worth anything. Assistance for doing this task is available in written form on the site, on line video, and/or skype plus the chat here in Adlandpro and 12 sec commute. On your menu member choose adtracker. Depending on your skills and how much advertising you have been doing this might be more than the 30 min. task we spoke of earlier. I suggest adding to the ad tracker daily rather than trying to do too much at once. Note: if you have banners and ads, here in alp you will receive notice from admin. when someone clicks on your ads via e-mail. You can continue as a free member of 12 sec commute, researching and using limited parts of the site. It is also time to start on the social community if you like. That would give you a head start for when you do commit to 12 sec commute.