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Network Marketing Success - Program Your Mind
10/7/2010 2:31:10 PM
Network Marketing Success - Program Your Mind

Hi All,

Your mind is being programmed everyday. Either you're doing it yourself, or somebody else is. If you're not in charge, then you'll really struggle for success in network marketing.

Are you letting the radio, the TV, the internet, the newspaper, or friends & family program you? If you are, then you are definitely being programmed for lack & limitation.

If you're in your car with the radio on, that radio has a tuner. You can tune in hundreds of radio stations. Those radio waves bombard you with negativity all day long. You are being programmed.

Do you turn the TV on and just leave it on while you're home? Again, you're getting constant programming. This stuff, at best, is trivial. At the worst, it's very, very negative.

And when you're programmed with negative garbage by radio & TV several hours a day, 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month, 12 months a year, year after year after year - it takes a toll. You develop a negative outlook on life and your MLM business - often without even knowing it.

Learn To Program Yourself

What happens with your mind, subconsciously, when negative friends & family members are talking to you? You are being programmed.

For you to have the success you want and deserve in life, it's critical that you learn to block out this garbage. That's why when we coach people, we have them plug into a 30-day mental cleanse, so you can turn off the chatter.

We started this mental cleanse not too long ago. And yet, many dozens are telling us that it has totally changed their lives. You can get more details on the 30 Day Mental Cleanse at

Success Requires That You Get Rid of the Negativity Forever

It's critical that you be honest with yourself. Do you want MLM business success so much that you're willing to pay the price of giving up TV, giving up radio, giving up negativity for 30 days?

If you participate in this process for just 30 days, it will change your life. You will learn to stop both the constant external chatter and the constant internal mental chatter - and to start reprogramming yourself with positive self-talk.

You can do this I believe in you. To Your Success,

Jessie Veal


Take Care Jessie veal 225-301-7616

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