
Richard Weberg

926 Posts
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===> #1 Safelist & Traffic Exchange Profits System <===
9/29/2010 7:25:26 PM
Now it's time to give prospects more reasons to buy from you.
Easily earn up to $100 for each person you give this free report to!
Important: Full Giveaway Rights!

In just moments you will have the most powerful, proven formula ever created
for automatic profits with traffic exchanges.
This amazing report reveals exact methods you can use to build your
business. By the time you finish this report you'll be well on your way to
the success your business deserves.

Congratulations! You have 100% free giveaway rights to this report valued at

As long as you don't alter the content, you can give it away to anyone who
may benefit from it. Put it on your own website, add it to a blog or
membership site, include it as a bonus, or offer it as a gift to build your
own list.

Extra Bonus: Free Branding Rights!

You also have 100% free branding rights worth $47. You can add your own name
and website address to the report and brand all affiliate links for easy
referrals and commissions!

Your TE Profits Traffic Report is now available in a PDF version suitable
for distribution on your own website or blog. Use this version to create
your own unique giveaway offers.

Everybody loves Free Gifts.

Use this report with 'squeeze' pages to build your own subscriber list. It
is highly targeted for optimum response in traffic exchanges and safelists.
If you are already building your own list, or have an existing list of
subscribers, send this report to them as a bonus. They will appreciate you
for it.

Instant Free Download...more information and your free branding kit inside!

You can also use this free report as an incentive to get new subscribers to
your blog or newsletter... add it as a bonus on 'thank you' pages and
download pages... or add it to your website as a way of saying thanks for
visiting. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

With your name and website in this report you will be building recognition
with your visitors. They will see you as someone who knows what they are
talking about and, more importantly, someone they trust.

Instant Free Download...more information and your free branding kit inside!

Here's what I do and don't underestimate ANY part of this process, because
it will ALL make you alot of money:

Give away something of value for opt-in - It could be a report, ebook,
script, software, plan etc. (build your list)

Set up a One-Time-Offer - that appears directly after opt-in. This should be
a VERY relevant product! Something that goes with that product very well .
Makes sure it's a good, quality product and offer a deep discount! A good,
relevant OTO can convert at 40% or more! That's alot of money to be leaving
on the table for those who don't offer OTO's on freebies!

NOTE: Look in your TEP Pro Members Area for several products you can use as
a free bonus gift to increase opt-ins. If your not yet a member of TE
Profits you can join for free by clicking on the link for the free report

To Your Success And Happiness
Richard Weberg
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