We invite you all to participate today 27th of September at 11am Pacific Time 2pm New York - 6pm GMT - 8pm Berlin/Madrid/rome to participate in the Memorial Celebration for one of the founding members for Peace in the United Nations. Dr. Robert Müller who passed away on the 20th of September in the night to the International Peaceday. We at http://peaceday.TV are broadcasting this event for the entire world to share the memories of such a beautiful person that worked 40 years to make peace be the common goal for all humans united. Thank your for your attendance. See the Ticker on http://peace.mn/ for more detailed information for your local times to attend.
For those that don't know the work of Dr. Müller, he was a pioneer for world peace and global education. Dr. Müller was the Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations for 40 years; Recipient of the UNESCO Peace Education Prize; Co-Founder and Chancellor Emeritus of the University for Peace in Costa Rica; and Nuclear Age Peace Foundation World Citizen honoree for 2002. In 2003 he was awarded the Goi Peace Award. The world has sadly lost a huge champion for world peace. Dr. Muller's life has inspired many people to work for peace and social justice and his memory will live on. Please join us.........
Angel cuddles,