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Minks Thom

262 Posts
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The Be Nice, Be Rewarded Aspect
8/17/2010 9:57:10 PM

One thing that many people get confused about is how you can actually make money online.

Making money online DOES NOT require:

  • your own website
  • your own product
  • a degree in computers
  • some special secret technique
  • special writing skills
  • a lot of money!

That is right! It doesn't require any of these things.

You have been probably mislead in the past into think that you need some crazy website, some expensive marketing program, some super lucrative niche, and an English degree in order to succeed.

However, this is simply not the case with the MAD MARKETING METHOD. This method requires only three things out of you:

  1. Computer (ability to connect to the Internet)
  2. Fingers (the ability to type)
  3. Drive (the ability to work hard)

Do you have these three things? Cool...we are good to go!

MAD Marketing Method Flow

Write -> Submit -> Earn

So far so good?

As a MAD Marketer, you only have to be able to write and submit. That's all it takes to have the ability to earn a consistent living online. Obviously this is going to be explained in more detail as I go on, but this is the core of it.

The EARN component does require one thing from you. It requires you to first join what are called "affiliate programs". This is what many people in the online world reference to as a "product to promote" is exactly that, something that you can promote, without having any ownership of it.

Affiliate Programs are the most effective business model created online to date. It allows companies to get 100's or even 1000's of people (affiliates) promoting their programs, and in exchange for promoting them, they are willing to pay you a commission.

This ranges from product to product, but many products pay $30 - $100 per sale. I am going to show you some of these as we move forward, but first I would like to introduce you to the largest and most lucrative affiliate network online, Clickbank (CB).

I suggest you go there and sign-up now. By signing-up, you will have access to promote any product within their entire network which currently has well over 10,000 digital products.

When you sign-up to Clickbank you will be asked to create a "nickname". This nickname will be your unique identifier and will be used in all of your links.

It will ask you for a website. To get around not having one for the time being, you can use one of the following as a placeholder for now:


NOTE: If you can't sign-up to Clickbank because of your country, here are a couple of alternatives..

Now that you have signed-up to clickbank. you have 10,000 potential programs you can promote in just about any niche you can imagine.
So how do you choose your niche? See here:

Let Me Show You How To Turn 6 Bucks Into $690 Income! \\\ GO TO =>>

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