Dear fellow marketer, My name is Francisco Dejesús Rivera. I am a professional and successful network marketer for the last 23 years.I live in San Juan, Puerto Rico - I felt it completely necessary to share with you IF AT FIRST YOU DONT SUCCEED - QUIT! If you don't succeed at first: quit crying, quit thinking negatively, quit dwelling on the worst case scenario, quit your "I can't" attitude, quit quitting, quit not living up to who you are, quit listening to cancerous people, quit making excuses, quit blaming others, quit defeat, quit stopping, quit your fears!!! QUIT DOING WHAT THE AVERAGE PERSON WOULD DO. My friend, you are set apart for success, it is wired into you and that is why you stepped out in the first place. If you want to take control of your future... if you truly want to determine, by yourself, what is going to happen to you... if you truly want to know the best way to act and to react your way...make sure this massage if firmly etched upon your mind: This is something that will change your life forever! It's all about "The AliveMax" it BRAND NEW and REVOLUTIONARY EARN UP TO $25,000.00 PER WEEK, YOU FINANCIAL PROBLEMS COULD BE GONE FOREVER! THE BREAKTHROUGH NEW WAY TO MAKE MONEY FROM HOME NAMED BEST NEW HOME BASED BUSINESS OF THE YEAR! But, you can not help other people until you know what they really want.You have to think anyway, so why not think big? P.S. I also include the exact system I used (and still use!) to quit my outside J.O.B. because I was earning a TON MORE at home! :-) Francisco Dejesús