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Stop Making Facebook Rich! This New and FREE Social Site Pays You to Use It!
8/6/2010 4:40:55 PM

Has Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace ever sent you a paycheck? Of course they haven’t!

Well PeopleString does. I would like to share it with you.

FACEBOOK took in 1 BILLION last year in advertising revenue. If they shared just 70% of that with their members, they'd be sharing 700 million dollars with their members...but they didn't.

Don't Close This Until You See That It's FREE! Make Money Doing What You Do Normally Every Day On The Internet.

PeopleString is a NEW social networking website, like Facebook or MySpace, where you can

--check your email
--chat with others
--google search
--instant message
--login to twitter
--login to facebook
--surf the net
--visit your favorite sites
--play games
--go shopping
--check your mail at the end of your sidewalk (big $ here)

Other websites make millions of dollars from your visits and activity, and you get nothing . . .BUT PeopleString shares 70% of its advertising revenue with its members (even the free members)! PeopleString is growing at a faster rate than Facebook, Twitter and others in the Alexa rankings and are about to be publicly traded. Expect that revenue to go through the roof! This is SO easy (THE EASIEST thing I've EVER done on the internet) and soon PeopleString will be a Household Name.

If you have a primary business, join for free so you can promote your business to the HUGE PeopleString Social Network. We expect 2.5 million people by the end of August 2010. Also, if you decide to upgrade to an Entrepreneur position, your pay scale would be 4 times that of a FREE member. Also, PeopleString will be the first social media company to be publicly traded this year.

Sign up here:

Oh, did I mention It's Free? :)

Please Contact Me Directly With Any Questions

W. M. Lavergne
Did you look at the PeopleString opportunity? You can get paid just by using the internet as you're currently using it. Advertisers pay Google, Yahoo, and AOL millions of dollars to get there products on these sites. PeopleString has develped a way to bypass the middleman and pay you, the user of the internet, for those advertising dollars. All you have to do is go through PeopleString to access your normal search engines (Yahoo, AOL, Google, MSN, etc.). This is 100% FREE to join and you get paid for using PeopleString. Click on the link and sign up. It's FREE and it's a no-brainer for an extra $400 to $2000 a month. Regards,Wendell

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