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"Closely Guarded Investment Secrets of the Super Wealthy…Revealed!"
7/28/2010 7:03:23 AM
The rich don't settle for lousy money-market returns, and you don't have to, either!

Want to increase your rate of return on your own money, rather than giving the bank the benefit of using your money to make themselves rich? With us, your money works for YOU, not for the fat cat bankers. Find out how you get the extra dough!

Though I've been reluctant to share this info with my Adland friends, I've decided that it's not fair to you that I haven't shared. For almost two years now, our investor group has been expanding its base and we are now at a point of taking on some additional people into our investment group. Find out more about our passive or active investors and what is offered. Send me a pm if you want to know more, go to our financial site to see how:

Best regards,

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: "Closely Guarded Investment Secrets of the Super Wealthy…Revealed!"
7/29/2010 4:14:06 AM

Where can you get a decent investment these days?

If you're like most people, you don't really ask that much from your investments: You want a solid return on your money, and you're not interested in "betting the farm" in order to get it. But most people have such limited investment choices: They can invest in a money-market fund or a CD, and get a return that usually doesn't even keep up with inflation.

Or they can gamble in the stock market: There, every day is another roller-coaster
trip, filled with accounting scandals, oil price fears, and just plain old greed.

Some choice that is! Whatever happened to decent risk and solid returns?

A better way to invest

In a nutshell, what this means is you get an excellent interest rate on your money,
secured by a specific piece of property. If things go well, you get your money back,
on top of a very attractive interest rate. If for some reason the borrower runs into
difficulty, your investment is more than covered by the value of that property.

Are you.....

Making your investments work for YOUR own benefit? If not...YOU can change the outcome of your financial strategies.

I invite you to find out more by going to our website at:

Wishing you the best,


If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
~ Old saying ~


Whose bread I eat, his song I sing.
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RE: "Closely Guarded Investment Secrets of the Super Wealthy…Revealed!"
7/30/2010 3:24:02 AM

Secured loans are no longer just for banks
Banks aren't known for taking risks, right? That's because they invest in this same
way: They charge a healthy interest rate, and want your house as security (collateral)
for the loan. They either get the healthy interest rate, or they get your house! Not a
bad deal for them, wouldn't you say?

The great news is that the rest of us now can invest in the same way banks do: You
get an even better interest rate than the banks can charge, and you have substantial
collateral securing your loan.

Why doesn't Wall Street talk about this opportunity?
It's simple: Because they don't make their fat commissions from these types of
investments, so they don't want people to know they exist. They want to put blinders
on you, and have you focus on just the types of investments that make THEM the
most money…not the ones that make YOU the most money.


There are plenty of investments to choose from and sometimes it's hard to wade through all of them to see what is actually going to benefit you the most. By taking the time to find out how you can become part of our elite group of Private Investors you will be doing yourself a valuable service. Not everyone qualifies and not everyone will even want to become a part of our Private Investment group.

Your desire to earn more on your money is the first step to finding out if this is right for you. Our site is value packed with great info designed to help you determine if this could be something you would like to become a part of.

Go to:; I am available to answer questions you will have.

Wishing you the best in your investing!

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: "Closely Guarded Investment Secrets of the Super Wealthy…Revealed!"
8/4/2010 4:33:36 AM
Your Retirement
Learn About These PRIVATE Investments Now!

Most of us want to make sure our investments are going to help pave the way to a comfortable retirement. The government encourages retirement investing by allowing, among other things, the Individual Retirement Account, or "IRA". Let's talk about IRAs:

Did you know you can invest in the following types of real estate through a truly "self-directed" IRA:

  • Raw land
  • Single-family homes
  • Apartments
  • Mobile Homes
  • Commercial Property
  • Real estate notes
  • Mortgages
  • Tax liens

Just contact us by clicking here. We'll be happy to give you the information that's been kept from you all these years…the exciting possibilities of having real estate investments grow tax deferred in an IRA.

By the way, you can invest for retirement and not put the investment in an IRA or any other type of tax-deferred vehicle. You simply invest with after-tax dollars.

Remember, we're not your attorney or tax advisor. We suggest that you check with them about any investment you're thinking about making.

Learn About These PRIVATE Investments Now!

If you prefer to contact me directly, send me a pm to my Adland box and I'll be happy to give you any info personally that you would like to receive from us on the investment strategies that we have to offer.

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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RE: "Closely Guarded Investment Secrets of the Super Wealthy…Revealed!"
8/31/2010 5:32:55 AM

Go get our FREE REPORT about how you can take advantage of High Yield Returns. "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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