
Amy Renee

31 Posts
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Finally found something that works and pays nicely!!
7/28/2010 1:25:17 AM
Finally found something that works and pays nicely!! MPB
FREE GROCERIES FROM WALMART!! - Join a team with the tools to succeed - Team HOPE!

Just like you, we had been searching for years for a business we could do from home that would allow us the opportunity to stay at home with our children. Personally, I tried a few over the years and they were not the best fit.
We wanted the opportunity to be part of a legitimate business with a "product' everyone needs. We have found that in MPB Today!!
We invite you to end your search today and join the many families taking advantage of this phenomenal opportunity. If you don't enjoy selling then you have found a winner!!
We are Team HOPE, part of one of the largest teams in MPB Today under Advanced Marketing Trust.
Advanced Marketing Trust provides FREE Tools for it's Down-line Teams: (Success Comes by Helping Others).
The following are some of the resources provided to you FREE as a member of Team HOPE.
·FREE Personalized Team Website
·FREE Personalized Flyers
·FREE Splash Site
·FREE Customized Banners
·FREE Postcards & Templates
·FREE Business Cards & Templates
·FREE Listing in our Online Directory - Find a Sponsor. (State Directory)
·Team Support with Three-Way Calls

Team HOPE was formed because as a business owner, you need a support team--your own "safety net" of trusted individuals whom you can count on to advise you, teach you and assist you--and to catch you before you fall.
This is the kind of leadership available from Team HOPE. Let us help you! We have the Resources for Great Results!
Everyone buys groceries and gas. You simply make a one-time purchase and refer two friends that do the same.
Take a look for all the details.
We look forward to having you on our team. We are Team HOPE (Helping Other People Earn).
We look forward to having you on our team. We are Team HOPE (Helping Other People Earn).
Join us in or Cafemom group WAHMTASTIC for more information

My Upline (takes phone calls)
Janice Nicholson

Amy Lehman
MPB Today Team HOPE
Janice, 804-245-1750
Available on Yahoo iM for any questions - sahm1832
Available in the Continental U.S., Hawaii, Canada and Puerto Rico
How would you feel to have Free Groceries for life? CLICK HERE to sign up
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