office workers watch pieces falling off hovering daylight UFO "A group of Illinois office workers observed a "copper colored, brightly flashing" object that hovered in the daytime sky while "smaller pieces appeared to be breaking away and falling rapidly" to the ground on July 16, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. "It was much brighter than anything I have ever seen in the day light which is what drew my attention," the reporting witness stated. A group of workers assembled outside the building where the object had ascended higher in the sky, but was directly overhead. "In a completely cloudless crystal blue background there was no reference for the altitude or size of the object." At this point, the group reports that pieces of the object began to fall off to the ground. After 10 or 15 minutes, the witness reports that the object itself began falling toward the ground. "You could almost see a tumbling type effect and it began to get substantially larger." One of the witnesses got into a vehicle in an attempt to locate where the object came down, but was unsuccessful. The group was also unable to agree on a consistent shape of the object. "As earlier stated, it first appeared oblong, and seemed to change. I believe we were probably seeing it from different angles." The Illinois city was not named in the public portion of the MUFON report. No images were submitted with the report that was filed on July 17, 2010." cont... Illinois office workers watch pieces falling off hovering daylight UFO