Wow, this is working! I wanted to try something that I didn’t know would work, but since it didn’t cost anything I thought, “Why not?” But, as of now, it is working. If this continues to work, you could make hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it will cost you nothing but a few minutes of your time. If you will bear with me a few minutes I will explain how this idea came about. Have you ever heard the story about the king that had a servant that begged the king for some money, and the king told the servant he would give him a job to do that would take him 30 days to do. He asked the servant if he would rather be paid $10,000 at the end of the 30 days, or if he would rather have 1 penny the first day and he would double it every day for 30 days. Unfortunately the servant chose the $10,000. If he had taken the 1 penny doubled every day for 30 days he would have made over $10,000,000. Now I want to see if we can make that happen in real life. I have a job for you to do and if we work together maybe we can make it work. For more information, send an email to with "cost=0, income potential=10Millions" in the subject line and I will forward you all the details.