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The Spain and Neherlands are come to the final game of 2010 World Cup!
7/10/2010 8:18:08 AM

The Spain and Neherlands are come to the final game of 2010 World Cup! I Believe no matter who will win, their fans will always support them and their jerseys are always popular in the market! If you want to get any2010 World Cup jersey or other jerseys (NFL, MLB, NHL and NACC jersey) pls log in .You are able to check the latest stock with link : We can provide you with authentic quality, best service and quick shipping!

For VIP and wholesale the lowest price is offered!

Joyce Parker Hyde

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RE: The Spain and Neherlands are come to the final game of 2010 World Cup!
7/10/2010 1:39:30 PM
Kava- if you have read any of the posts in this forum you have found NO references to sports here at all-what would make you think this would be a good target audience for your wares?
Please respect what people are doing with the direction and flavor of their forums.
I'll bet there are tons of sports fans who would love to see your stuff.
RE: The Spain and Neherlands are come to the final game of 2010 World Cup!
7/10/2010 2:22:42 PM

Joyce, you go girl!! Not that is telling her a thing or two. I agree those shirts would be selling right now if this person would find the FREE ADS that Adland offers, or any of the other advertising places.


Cheryl Baxter

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RE: The Spain and Neherlands are come to the final game of 2010 World Cup!
7/12/2010 6:26:50 AM
Hey there Joyce,

I would have deleted the post that Kaka made when I saw it...but then I saw that you are taking the time to say what I feel like saying when I see people posting something in forums & don't even try to post regarding the topics posted.

The blatant posting of ads when it's not an advertising forum is something that I usually just delete, but there have been a few times when I keep asking the person to stop and they've continued to do it...& that's just irritating. Some of the people just don't know any better until we make the aware of what's proper and what's not.

Thanks my friend for taking up the cause!

Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Cheryl Baxter

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RE: The Spain and Neherlands are come to the final game of 2010 World Cup!
7/12/2010 6:36:31 AM
Hey there Sara,

Thanks sister for commenting on the advertising posted here. It helps the poster hopefully see they should post their ads in the areas that are clearly for advertising instead of a forum thread that is totally I appreciate your comments.

take care,

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"

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