
Shailesh Parkar

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[][] The Time is NOW To Start Saving For Your Future [][]
7/3/2010 5:11:41 AM
[][] The Time is NOW To Start Saving For Your Future [][]

Our main focus is providing beautiful bullion coins a fair price to add to your savings or collection.We ship regular mail and also have an expedited, registered option at a higher price.

You can definitely Join{Sign Up} for free, especially if you are interested in doing is purchasing some of our beautiful coins and supplies.

The affiliate program is just a bonus to help grow our business and those of our Advertising Partners.In order to participate in our direct sales commission structure or affiliate program though, you must pay an upgrade fee.

Direct Sales Member - LOW $5 per month

* Your Own Direct Sales Business!
* Very Low Monthly Maintenance Fee - Cost Covers Your Pre-Built Sales/Marketing Site!
* Earn $3.00 For Up to 5 Marketers or Collector/Marketers in Your Level 1!
* Earn 10% on ALL Coin/Supply Purchases Made from Your Direct Referrals - Unlimited!
* Direct Sales Members in Your Downline Earn at a Rate of $1 per Member!
* Spillover Potential! Maximum 5 Team Members on Level 1

Marketer Member - $12 per month

* Your Own Direct Sales Business!
* Low Cost StartUp and Maintenance!
* Earn 10% on ALL Coin/Supply Purchases Made from Your Direct Referrals - Unlimited!
* Receive a Monthly Valuable Newsletter Providing Details on Bullion, Coins, Numismatics.
* Earn on 4 Levels of Your 5X Team Downline - Potential of almost $700 EVERY Month!
* Spillover Potential! Maximum 5 Team Members on Level 1

Collector/Marketer Member - currently $36* + $4 shipping
*changes with market value - approximately Silver spot price + $5 + $12 (Marketer Level cost)
(There is also an optional tracked, expedited shipping upgrade available for $18 instead of $4)

* Your Own Direct Sales Business!
* Receive a Beautiful ONE OUNCE 99.99% pure Silver Maple Leaf** Coin each MONTH!
* Earn 10% on ALL Coin/Supply Purchases Made from Your Direct Referrals - Unlimited!
* Earn on 8 FULL Levels of Your Team Downline - Potential of over $80,000 per month!
* Spillover Potential! Maximum 5 Team Members on Level 1

You are guaranteed a coin of 1 ounce silver with minimum 99.9% purity

Kind regards

Smisha Marketing
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